1. ORA has started to make some moves. A few days ago, it announced its financing, and yesterday it announced its cooperation with stakestone. Now you can stake $STONE on the official website to get ORA points. Oracle should be a relatively low-key but very strong project. I look forward to the take-off of $olm in my hand.

2. Phaver issued an announcement that it is expected to tge in July, but the specific date was not mentioned, and the gas for airdrops will be very low at that time. Both eth and base are OK.

3. Puffer issued a dark official push a few days ago, which is said to be a hint that it will make its own chain. Now the community is frantically urging tge, and even a fake announcement from a certain exchange has been circulated. I think it’s better not to rush. It’s probably not worth much at this time.

4. Bob has a mint of BOB Summer NFT, the price is more than 3u. After buying it, you can do a verification and get points.

5. Lighthouse was minted yesterday and broke the issue price in a short time. It should be a small loss. I didn't play it because I didn't have any white. My group friend bought more than 100 whites for 350u each. I played it all anyway, but I lost a lot.

6. Space Nation's Immutables NFT collection will be minted in July, the price is 0.02e, you can get the white now, the first few floors are good, and the test will be launched on July 5. At present, it is one of the few games that can make money by playing games.