Currently, DOGE is showing a bearish trend at the daily level. We can turn to the 4-hour level to look for a buy signal for a short position, which is the purple dot.

Focus on the key position of 0.12490 at the 4-hour level. If the price cannot break through this position upward and the purple dot signal appears and closes, we can prepare for a short trade. #Dogecoin有大事即将发生 #Dogecoin就是金钱📲⚡️🐕💸 #doge⚡

In short trades, the support level is around 0.12204 to 0.11891, which is the area we need to pay close attention to.

If the price unexpectedly breaks through the long and short price level at the 4-hour level,

then we need to turn our focus to the 1-hour level and wait for the long buy signal, which is the yellow dot.

At the same time, we also need to pay attention to the possible pressure level, which is the range of 0.12671 to 0.12887. #美国5月核心PCE物价指数年率增幅创2021年3月以来新低 $DOGE $ETH $BTC