[Kannagi Rug Pull address received anonymous communication information, the thief is limited to 48 hours to return the funds]

On July 31, on-chain data showed that the DeFi project Kannagi Finance Rug Pull address on zkSync Era received an anonymous communication information about 3 hours ago. The specific content is as follows: Hello, Kannagi project leader. Regarding your rug incident, we are communicating with you on behalf of the domestic victim group of 600,000 US dollars. 1. The funds you rug are the life savings of many people, destroying many families. The relevant domestic victims have organized a strong and concerted community. 2. We have collected evidence of many KOLs and well-known platforms promoting this project and related people to assist in the investigation, and sorted out your past operations of multiple projects and all related wallets. Operation traces and paths. 3. We also contacted domestic and foreign security companies to intervene in the tracking; contacted relevant centralized exchanges, and the audit company and related cooperative on-chain platforms for your project are fully cooperating with the investigation. 4. At present, we have sorted out all the information of the case and grasped your obvious operation trace loopholes. Our community members will report the case to the police across the country. At that time, this will be a collective case jointly handled by multiple departments in many places across the country. 5. We give you 48 hours to contact and discuss the return of your illegally stolen funds, otherwise once the law enforcement agency takes over, there will be no way out. If there is no response after the deadline, we will also set up a bounty pool of 20% of the funds involved to reward whistleblowers who provide clues to get you arrested or recover all funds. 6. Are you really sure that all the operations you have done over the years have no loopholes? It was previously reported that on July 29, the DeFi project Kannagi Finance on zkSync Era had a Rug Pull. As of press time, the TVL was only $24 (US$2.13 million yesterday), and its official Twitter account had been cancelled. #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #币安合约锦标赛 #IntroToCopytrading #VanEck提交首个SolanaETF #美国5月核心PCE物价指数年率增幅创2021年3月以来新低 $BNB $SOL $USDC