The future of our platform looks incredibly promising with the upcoming developments. With #Agatech bridging to #TON and the integration of additional chains into Agaswap, we've resolved the “switch network” issue, setting the stage for significant growth. Our next focus will be on the Token generator, #NFT creator, and launchpad with presales, which will provide new revenue streams and attract a broader user base. The planned Anyholder wallet, featuring Agaswap integration, will enhance user convenience and engagement.

Agademy, our educational platform, is set to revolutionize the learning experience by offering courses payable exclusively in $AGATA. This approach not only promotes our token but also creates a cohesive ecosystem. We plan to offer a mix of paid and free materials, with potential rewards in #Lambro Additionally, incorporating user-generated content and courses will foster a vibrant, collaborative community.

With #CoinMarketCap updating our total supply, our credibility and visibility in the market have increased. These strategic initiatives ensure that our users will benefit from a more integrated, rewarding, and forward-thinking platform, securing a bright future for everyone involved.