In fact, the institutions that cry poor are also making money

Let me say that these institutions that cry poor are definitely not as miserable as they say. Moreover, there are bigwigs who say "this is the only investment they lost money last year", so you can imagine that their other investments are profitable.

If they really cut their breath, they would not drag last year's things to this year. And the core of them is "being cheated" rather than "losing money", which means that the money is actually not a big deal.

Although institutions in the circle often hear that someone invested in a project that went bankrupt, they cry about being cut in various channels. In fact, this also indirectly shows that this situation is rare.

Most of the time, these investment institutions and bigwigs still make money. Just eat melons, there is no need to be too serious.

I will give you these examples, and there are many more because the circle is small, so I will just say one sentence, which is "basically those who are still active in the currency circle are making money."

The currency circle is not that miserable. Although it seems that everyone has been crying poor recently, it can still continue to make profits. Because people love contracts now, many of the original business models are no longer feasible. The people who were "revolutionized" may be a little miserable, but there is actually no change in others. It is just that the original shouting and pulling people has become real orders, the people are still the same people, and the exchanges are still the same exchanges.

Everything is running smoothly, and the leeks don't have to worry about the sickles, haha.

To be honest, if you often walk by the river, you will get your shoes wet. It is really difficult not to be cut by the sickle in the currency circle. In fact, it is normal to be cut in any market. But the old saying is good: As long as I am poor enough, no harvester can cut me, I am not afraid at all.

In the currency circle, you can also change this sentence: As long as I only love Bitcoin, no sickle can cut me.

First of all, we must recognize the situation and recognize ourselves. The purpose of coming to this circle is to change our lives. Please build a complete plan for yourself. When to buy? When to sell? What target to buy, what is the strategy? How to do risk control?

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