If the price of a copycat coin project keeps falling, and the project owner keeps crying and saying "we really didn't cut it", then there is a 5% chance that what the project owner said is true. They really didn't cut it, and the leeks were cut by the legendary "Xiaoyezhuang".

Many coins, especially the more famous ones, have relatively large market-making (cutting) plans. Many Xiaoyezhuang, who have some money and some connections, will "cooperate", cooperate with shouting orders and pulling people, and will also buy a lot of chips before shouting orders.

Of course, in most cases, Xiaoyezhuang was cut by the project owner. After all, copycat coins are absolutely centralized. If you want to participate in the carnival, you must be prepared to not run away.

In a few cases, the project owner did not notice Xiaoyezhuang, or was so self-righteous that he ignored the influence of Xiaoyezhuang. In the end, after Xiaoyezhuang completed the shipment, he was powerless to turn the tide, and could only rush to ship. The price of the coin fell and was destroyed.

In this case, Ono-sou has the biggest profit. Often the profit of one project can cover the failure of many other projects, and a successful project can also win the trust of many leeks. They are the hidden arrows between the project party and the leeks.

First of all, we must recognize the situation and ourselves. The purpose of coming to this circle is to change our lives. Please build a complete plan for yourself. When to buy? When to sell? What target to buy, what is the strategy? How to do risk control?

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