WIF's market analysis today is as follows: Currently, the market is in a long market for 1/2 hour, focusing on the 4-hour long and short price around 2.0463. This price is crucial and will determine the long and short trend in the next 4 hours. If the market can stabilize around 2.0463, it is expected to rise again in 4 hours, with target prices around 2.1152, 2.1502 and 2.2038 respectively. Please pay close attention to short-term long and short price changes.

For long-term spot investors, it is recommended to pay attention to the order opportunities around 1.9800, 1.9334 and 1.8961. Whether it is a contract or a spot, long-term or short-term, you should seize the opportunity of a callback to make a reasonable layout. #WIFT突破新高

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