What's up Short Maestro here some nice profits on SOL short. It zigzaged a bit but eventually dumped.

It is still higher than the pre ETF news price, and SOL was going downhill before that anyways, therefore I expect slow bleed.

Market is boring today, but it seems like shorting shitcoins is not a good idea. Usually shitcoins are not suggested at all but some of you will and I do myself too for fun. However today's shitcoin market looks like a sideways pump.

But BTC and ETH are just slowly dumping, BTC is about to break 60k and go to 59k soon with ease. There seems to be no support, a slow decline is a real dump. Zigzag that forms a decline. That is the current market ATM.

Meaning plenty of scalping opportunities to snipe the zigzag, so going long quick and then shorting, reverse to long, repeat...this would ideally generate money until you mess it up and lose everything.
