6.29 Morning Strategy and Analysis

In the persimmon market, continuous learning and adaptation are the key to maintaining competitiveness. Failure is a necessary stage for success, so don't be afraid of it. The current market has rebounded after a short-term decline. The midnight transaction is still optimistic and looks forward to the subsequent rise. The hourly level shows that the market remains volatile, and the 60,000 mark has strong support. We maintain a bullish view.

Operational suggestions

Big cake: callback to the 60,000~60,400 range, target 61,500, if it breaks through the target point, you can consider backhand short, defense 500 points, and the aunt synchronizes the defense to 30-35 points #美国5月核心PCE物价指数年率增幅创2021年3月以来新低 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #币安合约锦标赛 #VanEck提交首个SolanaETF #IntroToCopytrading