During the 84-minute podcast interview, Thaler stated that the price of each Bitcoin will reach $10 million and that all of China will support Bitcoin.

He emphasized the impact of Bitcoin adoption in China: “When Shanghai requires banks to launch Bitcoin spot ETFs and provide custody services, they will provide Bitcoin services for 1.5 billion people in China”.

While it remains uncertain whether China will make the switch, Hong Kong has launched a Bitcoin spot ETF.

For Thaler, Bitcoin's growing popularity in China will drive its price higher.

CoinTelegraph reported that Thaler directly stated that he believes the Chinese people and government will accept Bitcoin.

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Hong Kong Investment Funds Association: There are a growing number of investment options, including virtual asset ETFs

The Hong Kong Investment Funds Association and KPMG jointly released the report "Vision 2030: The future of the Hong Kong fund management industry". The report highlights the diversification of Hong Kong's investments, i.e. opening up more asset classes to retail investors, especially the growing interest in alternative assets.

Virtual assets continue to attract investor interest, with an increasing number of investment options available, including virtual asset ETFs. Recent regulatory developments have helped Hong Kong become more competitive and become a preferred location for fund managers to invest in emerging asset classes.