Bitcoin is the king of cryptocurrencies under blockchain technology, and it is also the most valuable cryptocurrency so far. It can be said that the rise of the currency circle was brought about by Bitcoin. And now the currency circle has long become one of the "battlefields" that investment experts focus on. In fact, in the early days of Bitcoin, no one would have thought that such a currency system outside of legal supervision would develop into what it is now. Therefore, if people who bought Bitcoin a long time ago have not forgotten their platform accounts and other related trading methods, it should now be considered a high-return investment. So, are those who bought 20,000 Bitcoins in a confused manner really rich now?

In 2009, Bitcoin came into people's view. This decentralized encrypted digital currency, which is completely different from the banking regulatory system of various countries, was not even known to many people when it was first launched. But perhaps it was their own subjective intuition that led many people to mine the first batch of Bitcoins through early advantages. If someone had obtained 20,000 Bitcoins in 2010, his investment would not be small at that time.

Those who are familiar with Bitcoin should know that the generation of this currency relies on the user's CPU to solve a set of specific equations. 21 million coins are generated from 21 million special solutions. From the perspective of total volume, the upper limit of Bitcoin is 21 million, so it can be regarded as a very scarce cryptocurrency. In fact, the more people join the equation, the more complicated and slow the calculation will become. The earlier people join, the easier it is to obtain Bitcoin.

It should be noted that the blockchain network of Bitcoin itself is very robust and even a bit overly secure, but these trading platforms are very fragile and vulnerable in comparison. If Bitcoin holders want to trade directly, the sellers must first support the business of accepting Bitcoin. In addition, the price of Bitcoin itself is floating, and those who invest for the purpose of buying low and selling high hope to be able to do so. Therefore, the best way is to turn cryptocurrency into cash.

Now Bitcoin has actually received attention from many countries to a certain extent. Many countries (even including China) have so-called Bitcoin trading platforms. These platforms meet people's needs to convert Bitcoin into their own currencies, but their legitimacy and stability are sometimes not very good. Therefore, the investment risk in the currency circle is actually a very important aspect.

Let's switch back to the topic. If the person mentioned above who had 20,000 bitcoins in the initial stage had held on to them until this year without any trading obstacles, based on the price of bitcoin breaking through $30,000 last month, the bitcoins in his hands would be worth about $600 million. This figure should be much higher than his initial investment. Of course, this is only under the premise that everything goes well in theory.

Seeing such figures may make many people jealous, but in fact, we need to know that investment has always been full of risks. This is not only true in the cryptocurrency circle, but also in many circles. #$BTC