FYI: For those who have played Rich Dad’s Cashflow Boardgame….you know there are two levels of investments.. for two levels of investors.

Small investors start in the “Rat Race” investing in small deals and big deals.

In the Cashflow game….when the investor proves their “Financial IQ” they “graduate” from the “Rat Race” to the “Fast Track.”

This happens in real life too.

Personally I have been investing in Fast Track investments for over 30-years. Much more fun, requiring much more financial IQ, becuase it involved much more risk, and much bigger returns…if you and your team are smart enough.

Pictured above is a real Fast Track investment in Canada.

In this photo am sitting with Marin Katusa,.. my partner…on a $5 billion vein of Lithium.

Lithium is todays hot new precious metal becuase EVs such as Tesla require Lithium for their batteries.

Lithium helps save the planet.

The name of this Fast Track “start up” is “ Project Li-FE.”

“Li-FE” is an for Lithium For the Environment.”

It is a Green New Deal” project.

It’s projects like this…that makes investors richer and saves the planet.

This is an example of Rich Dad’s style of Capitalism.

That is why I kept repeating during the interview:

“Gold, Bitcoin, Lithium.”

“Fast Track” investing is much more fun than being stuck in the real “Rat Race of life”…trying to achieve financial freedom via job security, and investing via 401k filled with mutual funds.

So keep playing Cashflow…increasing your financial IQ and maybe soon…you’ll be sitting in pictures like the picture above.

Here’s to the possibility of your own “Fast Track” start up.


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