Day trading: How to practice stable profits

In the turbulent waves of day trading, countless traders are pursuing the holy grail of stable profits. The moment of profit is exciting, but continuous stable profits are like distant stars, which are out of reach. However, as the ancients said: "Without accumulating small steps, there is no way to reach a thousand miles." The secret of stable profits is often hidden in day-to-day practice and practice.

1. Dance of moving averages

In a volatile market, the moving average is like a ribbon in the hands of a dancer, leading the dance of prices. Once the price moves away from the moving average, it is like a dancer deviating from the rhythm, and this is a good time to open a position. Above the moving average, the power of the bulls dominates, and shorting needs to be cautious; below the moving average, the power of the bears is strong, and longs need to be cautious. By following the guidance of the moving average, we can grasp the rhythm in intraday trading and move forward steadily.

2. The power of holding positions

The position volume is a barometer of market sentiment. Areas with more positions in the early trading often become the benchmark price for subsequent market conditions. Above this area, the upward momentum is as surging as a spring; while below the area, the downward gravity is as heavy as a hammer. When the price stops rising at a certain price, and the position is increasing but the price is lower and lower, this is a signal of stagnation of position increase. At this time, short selling may capture the turning point of the market.

3. The wisdom of practice

Stable profit is not an easy task to achieve overnight. It requires us to calm down and regard trading as a practice. In this practice, every loss we encounter is a stepping stone for growth, and every profit is a driving force for progress. Only by constantly summarizing experience and lessons and adjusting trading strategies can we go further and further on the road of intraday trading.


Intraday trading is a practice, which tests our wisdom, patience and perseverance. Only by calming down and regarding trading as a practice can we maintain stable profits in the turbulent market. Let us work together to pursue the distant and bright star of profit!

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