Have you ever thought about this very serious problem?

It is said that Trump's inauguration will cause a surge in cryptocurrencies.

But if he just took office and cryptocurrencies are already at the top of the bull market, how can the previous boasts be realized?

The best way is to suppress cryptocurrencies before taking office and trigger a "coin disaster".

In this way, the newly elected US President Trump can not only laugh at the incompetence of the Biden administration, but also "save the market" in the US financial market, become a hero, and reshape his image.

With money, power, and fame, this is the possibility that Trump will lead cryptocurrencies to a bull market!

If it grows wildly before taking office, what does the crypto world need Trump for?

It's called decentralization, but in fact, it's a chain reaction! !

The recent debate between Deng and Trump is simply a thrilling drama!

Trump is ruthless to Deng on the issue of inflation. If Deng is at a disadvantage, he may ask the government to quickly cut interest rates to win people's hearts!

However, it is unlikely that the market will be pulled up directly!

The bull will come, but not now!

It is easy to make money in a bull market, but it is easy to lose money on the other hand! Only by observing the overall environment and analyzing calmly can we welcome the arrival of this bull market! Don't be overwhelmed by impulse

We must recognize the situation and ourselves. Please build a complete plan for yourself. When to buy? When to sell? What to buy and what is the strategy? How to do risk control?

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