The long-awaited general rise in prices has arrived, but the social network has not become active. Is the script of rebound and decline going to happen again?

This problem has nothing to do with the technology itself, and has little to do with the news.

Because the trend tests patience and courage

You doubt the market, technology, and trends. These are fatal problems. No one can help you solve them. You can only rely on yourself.

Because the only person who can make you willingly invest your money in the currency is you, so no matter what the result is, it has little to do with others, let alone the market.

Maybe many people complain that there are too many scammers in the market, the main players are too bloody, and the market trends are too weird, but the source of these complaints is their own: cognitive limitations

The market is always right, otherwise it would not have existed for so long and so many people would have joined.

Can a bad market and an industry without a future fool 560 million people around the world?

The current cryptocurrency world has become a future star, and no country can stop it, because it is in line with the further development of human civilization.

Just like how humans entered the industrial age from the cold weapon age, each change is a natural progression.

Therefore, if you want to change your fate of losing money, you can only break the inherent thinking and cognition, accept new things again, spend time to learn and study.

Become an expert in the new industry as soon as possible. In the stage when everyone is relying on opportunism, endure loneliness and settle yourself.

The same is true for the market. If you want to reduce fear and seize opportunities, you must also dare to break the circle and leave the leek circle that has been causing you losses.

Only by sorting out the environment around you and letting it continue to provide you with the correct investment methods and effective ways to make money, can you get closer and closer to your goal.

The market is not complicated. As long as you can find the rules behind the K-line trend, understand human nature, and follow the trend, you can achieve long-term and stable profits.

I have always advised every ordinary person, especially those who have not yet earned their first pot of gold, to choose the long-term trend, which is the only way to minimize risk and gain the most obvious return.

Any swing operation, contract, leverage, and small-scale betting are traps. Once you fall into the trap, your capital and fortune will be consumed by those people.

As long as a big wave comes, you will be crushed to death, and there will be no chance of recovery.

I have always believed that Eth has a high chance of reaching $4,000 in June. Although it has not reached that level yet, the coins I hold are still strong and profitable.

The market I expect may not be realized at the moment, but I believe it is just a little late. I can wait. My coins are still there. I also believe in myself and the rules 100%.