Some people say that the cryptocurrency market is a naked cannibalistic market, but it is also a market that has created many myths. The huge profits and rapid secretion of dopamine make people sink and can't stop. This year, the volatility has indeed increased. There is no good or bad market in the cryptocurrency market, because you can go long or short. If the market continues to rise, buy up, and if the market continues to fall, buy down. So volatility is the most important. If there is no volatility for a year, don't trade, and you won't make money at all. There will definitely be more opportunities this year, but we must also strictly prevent the risk of liquidation. After all, one thought of heaven and one thought of hell. The violent fluctuations in the cryptocurrency market have brought about a large amount of dopamine secretion, long and short rotation, profit and loss conversion, and 24-hour trading that makes people unable to stop. Excitement, excitement, regret, fear, multiple emotions blend and intertwine every day, this kind of thing is addictive.

In fact, what kind of world the cryptocurrency world is depends on how you look at it. Just like how you look at the world, if you think the world is full of ugliness, then most of what you see is ugly. If you think the world is full of beauty, then most of what you see is beautiful. Why do different people see the same world and the same thing differently, or even worlds apart? The problem lies with you. Everything starts from the heart. If the heart is beautiful, everything you see is beautiful.

The same is true for the cryptocurrency world. There are also very positive and sunny projects, people who really want to do things, and of course there are also many people with impure motives. They come in for only one purpose, that is, to make money. When you see something like Bitcoin, which has increased 45 million times in 15 years, you will feel that this is simply heaven on earth. Similarly, when you buy a bunch of altcoins and watch them return to zero, you will feel that this is simply hell on earth. In the cryptocurrency world, buying the right thing and buying the wrong thing are two different worlds. This is the so-called one thought of heaven and one thought of hell. This is also the place where the cryptocurrency world is both disgusting and desirable.

If most of what you see is bad, the final result will definitely make you lose a lot of money. If you think this is incredible, why do such things always happen to you, in fact, it is not surprising at all, these bad things are attracted by yourself. You say, how is it possible, how can I let the loss of money happen to me, I must be rushing to make money when I enter the cryptocurrency circle, it is true, but in real life, what you think and what you think may not be like this. You always think about how to make money quickly, how to get rich overnight, and how to make money without doing anything.

In terms of the unity of knowledge and action, what you think and imagine is what you are already doing, which means that it does not necessarily become a fact after you do it. Therefore, try to get in touch with more positive people and think about positive things, so that the cryptocurrency world can become the beautiful world you yearn for in your eyes. The cryptocurrency world is a reverse siege world, where people inside do not want to come out and people outside do not want to enter.

From an outsider's perspective, the cryptocurrency world is full of scams, bubbles, profiteering, and so on.

From the perspective of an insider, the cryptocurrency world is full of hope, making money, technological innovation, and so on.

Objectively speaking, people who enter the cryptocurrency circle are not guaranteed to make money. Most people will lose money or even go bankrupt.

For example, people who enter the cryptocurrency circle thinking about getting rich or getting rich quickly by doing contracts often end up losing everything.

On the contrary, those who enter the cryptocurrency circle with a learning attitude, an inclusive mindset, and the desire to make money slowly will eventually become rich. #币安合约锦标赛