From the time point of view, the bottoming out is not complete! ! !

This may be similar to the trend in April, with a fluctuating trend, constantly exploring the bottom + repairing indicators.

After a short-term rebound, it is still expected to fall back. And it is believed that BTC and ETH will not fall below the low point in April. For altcoins, the bottom of this callback is unlikely to fall again. I am not pessimistic about the future market, but I still need to kill some time.

At this stage, it is OK to hold spot, and leverage is not recommended regardless of long or short.

The external conditions of the bull market in the currency circle are now unique. First of all, the United States is about to cut interest rates, probably starting in the second half of this year. Once the interest rate is cut, funds will naturally flow into the market, so many people ask whether the interest rate cut will be a negative for the currency circle. I..., speechless.

Secondly, the current trend of the US stock market is very good. Although there may be a need for a correction in the short term, it has not reached its peak in the long term. Moreover, it can be observed that every bull market in the cryptocurrency circle is accompanied by a booming market in the US stock market.

As for when the next cryptocurrency market will start, I personally think that the listing and trading of ETH's ETF is a good opportunity. In fact, you can recall that before the Bitcoin ETF was approved and traded, the cryptocurrency market was actually depressed for a while. In short, as long as you can endure the dark moments and not cut your losses, you will outperform half of the people. Those who are willing to run away at high points are the best at making money.

First of all, we must recognize the situation and ourselves. The purpose of coming to this circle is to change our lives. Please build a complete plan for yourself. When to buy? When to sell? What target to buy, what is the strategy? How to do risk control?

#BOME #SOL #etf以太坊 #BTC #WIF