Evening analysis: RATS

RATS 1-hour price trend: up.

This is a 1-hour Bitget RATS/USDT candlestick chart, the latest price is: 0.00014085 USDT, including EMA, MACD, KDJ and volume indicators.

[Buy and sell points]

Buy point 1: 0.00013800 USDT (EMA7 crosses EMA30, indicating an upward trend in the short term, and a light position can be considered at this price)

Buy point 2: 0.00013500 USDT (This price area has been touched and rebounded many times recently, showing a strong support level)

Long stop loss point: 0.00013300 USDT (lower than buy point 2, and leave enough space to avoid small fluctuations triggering stop loss)

Sell point 1: 0.00014200 USDT (Close to the highs of the recent cycles, may face selling pressure)

Sell point 2: 0.00014500 USDT (If it breaks through the previous high, it may further test higher resistance levels)

Short stop loss point: 0.00014650 USDT (above the second selling point, conservative setting to prevent a rapid fall after a false breakout)

[Price trend analysis]

K-line pattern:

The recent K-line shows large price fluctuations, with multiple long upper and lower shadows, indicating that the market is highly controversial. In particular, the K-line at 18:00 on June 26 is a positive line with a long lower shadow, which may suggest that buyers have some support at low levels. From the perspective of the last few hours, the price has slightly adjusted back, such as the K-line at 17:00 on June 28, which is a short entity, and the closing price is close to the opening price, reflecting that the current market decision is not obvious.

Technical indicators:

The average values ​​of DIF and DEA in the MACD indicator are close to the zero axis, and the MACD bar chart also shows a small value, indicating that the current market trend is not strong, but is gradually developing upward, and it is necessary to pay attention to whether a golden cross will be formed. The J value in the KDJ indicator is 96.46, which is in the overbought area, while the K value and D value still maintain an upward trend, which may indicate that the price may face correction pressure in the short term. The EMA indicator shows that the 7-period EMA (0.00013775) has crossed the 30-period EMA (0.00013619), showing an upward trend in the short term. Guanzhu Public Account: Xi Ye Miao, Mian Fei Jia Qun.

Trading volume:

The trading volume began to gradually decrease after reaching a peak at 22:00 on June 27, which may indicate that buying interest near the high point has decreased. The latest trading volume has increased slightly compared with the previous period, but there is no obvious increase in volume, so the current price change may lack sufficient trading volume support.

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