In the currency circle, choose contract trading or spot investment?

In the bull market of the currency market in early 2023, some people took the risk of borrowing high leverage to participate in contract trading. Although they experienced multiple liquidations, they achieved considerable returns with a successful transaction. However, this high-risk trading method is not something that everyone can handle. In the interweaving of greed and fear, it is crucial to keep a calm mind, have firm execution, and know how to set a stop-profit point.

Therefore, when deciding whether to participate in contract trading or choose spot investment, we need to examine our mentality first. Can you withstand the psychological pressure brought by high-multiple liquidations? Can you stay calm and stick to your trading plan in market fluctuations? Can you stop in time after reaching your goal to avoid being overwhelmed by greed?

If you feel that you are not well prepared and mentally prepared to deal with the high risks of contract trading, then choosing spot investment may be a safer choice. After all, the purpose of investment is not to pursue overnight wealth, but to achieve steady growth of assets under the premise of controllable risks.

So, first ask yourself whether you have the mentality and ability required for contract trading. If not, then buying spot goods honestly may be a wiser choice.

Again, if you don’t know what to do in the bull market, click on my avatar and follow me. I have bull market spot planning and contract passwords.

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