Is there anyone whose life was ruined by online loans?

My cousin’s classmate

is about 12 years older than me. He borrowed from dozens of illegal online loan platforms in 2016. He borrowed more than 800,000 yuan.

He even bought a phone card specifically for online loans, and threw it away as soon as he got the money.

The emergency contact was a phone number for unclogging pipes and painless abortions on the street.

Except for the ID card, nothing was real.

Then he enjoyed it for three or four years. Later, the debt collector got his father’s number from somewhere, and he directly replaced his father’s mobile phone card.

In 2020, illegal online loan platforms were basically defeated. The funniest thing is that he didn’t even have a credit problem.

The last time I saw him was in the summer of 21. Last year, my brother said that he was sentenced to 3 years for using a bank card to launder money for others.