#TNSR $TNSR TNSR market analysis of the day:

The TNSR market showed a mixed trend of long and short today. The short side had the upper hand at the 1/2 hour level, while the long side was firmly in the lead at the 4 hour level. The key point of 0.6171 became the focus of competition between the long and short sides.

In the downward trend, investors should pay attention to the support levels of 0.5960, 0.5778 and 0.5576. If these positions are broken, the market may fall further. On the contrary, if the price rebounds, it is necessary to pay attention to the pressure levels of 0.6335, 0.6537 and 0.6770. The breakthrough of these positions may indicate that the price will climb upward.

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In short-term trading, investors should keep a close eye on the changes in the strength of long and short positions, flexibly adjust trading strategies, and ensure that trading decisions are accurate and correct.

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