There are three kinds of ruthless people in the currency circle, who can almost make a steady profit without losing money!

The first kind, the iron-headed kid, is like a sticky candy. As long as he is sure that the currency has a main force, he will choose to intervene at a low point. Once it falls, he will add some positions after a few months. If it goes sideways, he will wait. No one can get rid of it. If it doesn't rise in one year, he will hold it for one year. If it doesn't rise in two years, he will hold it for two years until it rises.

The second kind, the Buddhist player, has a very good mentality and a God's perspective. As long as he recognizes the buying price, he will no longer look at the market and the currency price after buying it. No matter how you wash and perform before the main force pulls up again, he will not look at the market at all. He will focus on a performance that should cooperate with you, and I will turn a blind eye.

The third kind, the rhythm master, will watch the rhythm of the market and the trend of the currency price like playing the piano. If you have a slight disturbance, they will slip away faster than the main force. If it is right, they will stay, and if the wind direction is not good, they will run away, and do bands back and forth. This kind of person is as slippery as a loach, and no one can do anything to him. So let's ask these three kinds of ruthless people, which one do you belong to?

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