Many people mistake market manipulation for whipsaws, which is a very misleading view.

Current market manipulators are very savvy and tend to implement market manipulation through extreme price fluctuations, a strategy that even confuses experienced investors. For example, although we expect the market to have good growth, the actual situation is that the market continues to fall.

In this case, we may begin to doubt our judgment: Am I wrong? Should I sell and wait for a lower price to buy again?

However, when we try to buy, the market may fall further, making it difficult to determine where the market bottom is and whether the bull market is still continuing. This emotional torment makes many people begin to doubt whether the bull market is over. However, at the same time, we also see that institutional funds are still flowing into the market, even though the market conditions do not seem to be improving.

In fact, this is exactly the strategy carefully designed by market manipulators. Their operating strategies continue to evolve with market changes, and even experienced investors like us find it difficult to grasp. When facing such market conditions, all we can do is stay calm and not be swayed by emotions. We need to keep learning and understand the latest strategies of market manipulators.

Finally, remember one thing: the bull market is not over yet, and market manipulators are just testing our patience. I hope that all of us can profit from the bull market instead of being eliminated by the extreme operations of market manipulators.

If you want to know more detailed strategies, click on the avatar to find me

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