🚀Zero Depin Big Hair Nodepay Genesis Round - 0628 latest situation


Hi friends, there is good news about Nodepay today!

Many friends have found the same problem as me before [unstable plug-in link leads to poor node income].

There are also many people reporting this on the Nodepay official Twitter account. Today, the official also responded in time [the connection problem will be solved soon], and you can also see on the Dashboard that a large number of tasks will be launched soon to help accumulate points!

Overall, the atmosphere of the Nodepay community and the official attitude are great. Before the problem is solved, the hardcore players can choose to open the browser [Timed Refresh Plugin] at any time, which seems to increase the node output, but it is still recommended to save enough energy and wait for the official optimization before working hard🎃🎃

Friends who haven't signed up yet, please copy the link below to register. For the subsequent tutorials, please read my previous posts. If you have any questions, please feel free to comment and share. I will continue to pay attention to Nodepay and answer as soon as possible🤖

[Registration link]


#Airdrop‬ #空投埋伏