🚀🚀Three unique insights on market trends🚀🚀

📉1. Short-term bears, long-term bulls

In terms of daily level trends, bears seem to have the upper hand in the short term, but the long-term trend is still dominated by bulls.

The room for decline is limited, and we may just need to wait for the last drop, and the turning point will come in the middle and late next month.

By then, a mysterious fund will quietly enter the market and lead the market to reverse. Please remember that the meat-cutting at this moment is just handing over the precious chips to others.

🚫2. The cottage targets that refuse to fall

Many cottage targets have shown strong resistance to decline. At this moment, there is no need to panic about the short-term fluctuations in the market.

The meat-cutting remarks are just noise in the market, and don't be swayed by them. The real wise man knows how to hold on in the storm and wait for the arrival of spring.

Even if you sell during the rebound, remember to take it back at the bottom, because the real value will not disappear due to temporary fluctuations.

🌈3. Patience determines the future

In the ups and downs of the market, patience becomes our most solid weapon.

Although the road to the bull market is tortuous, it will never be overturned. As long as we have firm beliefs and the general direction is correct, those small callbacks are nothing but passing clouds.

August will be a major turning point for the market. As the old saying goes: "When water reaches the end, it is a landscape, and when people reach the end, they are reborn." Let us look forward to the arrival of that moment together!

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