#YGG $YGG Market analysis of the day

YGG market has a volatile trend today. A purple signal appears at the 1-hour level, suggesting market volatility. The 2-hour level is dominated by the short side, while the 4-hour level is dominated by the long side. Pay special attention to the long-short key point of 0.5804 at the 4-hour level, which will determine the short-term direction of the market.

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If the price goes down, pay close attention to the support levels of 0.5742, 0.5650, and 0.5552, which will provide support for the market. On the contrary, if the price rebounds, pay attention to the pressure levels of 0.5886, 0.5973, and 0.6065, which will test the strength of the long side.

In short-term trading, please remain alert to the comparison of long and short forces and respond flexibly to market changes.

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