Attention! Attention!

After three months of violent washout, the negative emotions in the market have accumulated to the critical point of explosion. There are three sources of these emotions

1. The leeks expect the bull market to be a straight upward journey, without fluctuations, only continuous rise.

2. There is a common fantasy that you can buy at every low point in the market and sell at every high point to achieve perfect swing trading.

3. Even in a bull market, long-term holding is a challenge for many traders. For the leeks, holding even for just one day feels unbearable.

These phenomena reveal the 80/20 rule of the market. The reason why 10% to 20% of people can make money is because they firmly hold on to the last stage of the bull market#以太坊ETF批准预期 #美国PCE数据将公布 #美联储何时降息? #MegadropLista