Today, let's dive into various crypto earning strategies for different deposit sizes. What can you do if your deposit is less than a thousand dollars? Or what options are available for earning with larger capital?

First and foremost, don’t try to grab everything at once! There are countless ways to earn, but focus and knowledge are paramount! Time is also a constraint; we can't do it all! Choose a few directions or assemble a team.

Level 1: Deposit Amount Up to $1,000

At this level, the goal is to quickly increase your capital to $5,000-10,000. Don’t rely on long-term profits—aim to earn within 2-3 months.

Active engagement can deplete free capital quickly: testnets, nodes, staking, lending protocols, etc. Long-term activities might yield profits only in 9-12 months. Therefore, if your deposit is under $1,000, focus on these activities:

  • Testnets: Some blockchains offer collaboration opportunities for testers before launch. Projects get feedback, and testnet users receive potential rewards.

  • Ambassador Programs: Help projects grow (design, edit, write articles, create memes) and earn rewards.

  • Airdrops: Be active in a project during its development stage. Depending on the product (web application, blockchain, exchange), activities may include executing transactions, adding tokens to liquidity pools, minting NFTs, etc.

Testnets and ambassador programs are better suited for Tier-1 projects. For airdrops, focus on Tier-2 and Tier-3 projects.

LayerZero and zkSync cases support this strategy. Users who focused on these projects haven't yet received their drops and may have missed other profitable activities (like StarkNet, Wormhole, and Aevo) due to blocked liquidity.

Level 2: Deposit Amount from $1,000 to $10,000

If Level 1 requires scalability, Level 2 demands diversification. Users with this financial capability can engage in a wider range of activities, allocating capital to both medium- and high-capitalization projects.

For deposits from $1,000 to $10,000, focus on:

  • Medium-Term Investments: Buy BTC, ETH, niche tokens, or memecoins. Use platforms for crypto market analysis, on-chain analysis, and other tools.

  • Tokens: Despite lower ICO profitability compared to 2017, investing in early-stage projects can still be profitable.

  • Nodes: Earn rewards for participating in blockchain activities. For example, Celestia node owners earned about 4,500 TIA ($45,000 as of April 2024).

Be active in Tier-1 projects to receive airdrops. A larger deposit allows you to overcome "stagnation" without missing new earning opportunities.

Level 3: Deposit Amount from $10,000 to $100,000 At this level, your goal should be to expand and optimize your activities. The strategies remain similar, but the scale of your involvement increases.

  1. Expand Existing Activities: If you previously ran a single node or participated in one ICO, now you can scale up to 10-20 projects. This increases your potential returns but also requires careful management.

  2. Risk Management: Focus on risk management to ensure you're not overly exposed to high-risk investments. Diversify your portfolio to balance potential returns and risks.

  3. Activity Management: Allocate your resources effectively, considering current market trends and project popularity.

  4. Personnel Management: As your activities expand, consider delegating tasks to a team to manage operations more efficiently.

In summary, by tailoring your strategies to the size of your deposit and focusing on both scalability and diversification, you can maximize your potential returns in the crypto market. Always stay informed and adapt to the ever-changing landscape to seize new opportunities. #Investing" #cryptotips