Coin circle internet celebrity Liang Xi sentenced to two years of stepping on a sewing machine

Liang Xi, a once-high-profile internet celebrity in the coin circle, was recently sentenced to two years of stepping on a sewing machine. It is reported that Liang Xi was prosecuted by the victim for selling his personal Weibo account and failing to fulfill his delivery obligations after receiving the payment. Although the amount involved in this fraud case was only 10,000 oil, Liang Xi was still sentenced to two years in prison.

In order to gain forgiveness, Liang Xi returned the 10,000 oil obtained from the fraud, but this only won him a one-month sentence reduction. Due to the severe crackdown on fraud crimes in Zhejiang Province, Liang Xi failed to obtain a suspended sentence and had to serve two years in prison.

As time goes by, the coin circle two years later may forget the former internet celebrity Liang Xi, just as people have gradually forgotten the previous characters such as Cai Shu and Da Shi. The market is ruthless, and the speed at which it eliminates leeks is staggering. According to the elimination law of the coin circle market, it is estimated that in no more than two years, the once god-level trader Liang Xi will become a forgotten history.

The market is too cruel, and the life cycle of leeks is often so short that it makes people sigh.

