Staking is really good!!!

$LISTA , who is known as the son of Binance, has also started the staking journey!!! Great news

There is nothing wrong with the last 1u or more! The market value is only 170 million, there is hope, let's see how to stake?

The premise of staking is that everyone must have the LISTA coin!

💰What benefits and rights do LISTA holders have?

1. Users holding LISTA can stake on the Listapie platform, and they can get Lista stardust and Listapie airdrop rewards, as well as related airdrop rewards

2. Staking can get Listapie IDO Quota, and have the opportunity to participate in the early project investment of the ecosystem in advance

3. Staking 100 tokens will generate 1 Listapie Wave every hour. These generated Listapie Waves will give you the right to obtain Listapie's upcoming LTP token airdrop and IDO quota allocation

4. Staking can also participate in special events on the Galxe platform and share 5000 USDT rewards.

5. Token holders have voting rights for key governance decisions for community development

6. Starting from July, users can also convert LISTA into veLISTA. , and enjoy the sharing of the proceeds in the future

For specific information, please follow the official square number: @ListaDAO

💰What are the future prospects of slisBNB?

1.slisBNB is an important part of Lista DAO. SlisBNB is the profitability and liquidity pledge token of BNB. Users can get additional income from slisBNB by staking BNB in ​​Lista DAO. Currently, there are 394,000 BNBs pledged in Lista DAO, about 225 million US dollars!

More users choose to pledge BNB in ​​Lista DAO, which increases the potential value of slisBNB and more application value in the future!

💰What is the future of Lista DAO in liquidity pledge?

1.Lista DAO has its own unique innovative mechanism to provide users with a safe and reliable liquidity pledge platform!

Improve the utilization rate of user fund allocation and get more channels for additional rewards!

The current callback of LISTA also gives us the opportunity to layout spot. You can refer to the layout and look forward to the future development of LISTA!

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