1. The first one: No one calls, no one sends messages, and except for couriers and advertisements, the mobile phone is silent.

2. The second one: Every day I go between the company and home, and my life is boring and boring.

3. The third one: The circle is pitifully small, and I hardly know anyone except my colleagues.

4. The fourth one: My temper is getting worse and worse, but I can only sulk by myself.

5. Fifth: I have no special interests or hobbies, and my life is monotonous and boring.

6. The sixth one: doing a mediocre job with no hope of promotion.

7. The seventh: always sighing, full of confusion and fear about the future.

8. The eighth: Not daring to try new things, being afraid of failure and becoming complacent.

9. The ninth: becoming more and more unkempt and slovenly.

10. The tenth one: Feeling empty inside, can only kill time by browsing the phone.

11. Eleventh: Always avoiding problems and lacking the courage to take responsibility.

12. The twelfth: Not having a clear goal in life, and living life in a muddle.

13. Thirteenth: The speech is becoming more and more vulgar and lacks basic manners.

14. The fourteenth: The emotional aspect is a mess, either always single or always unable to handle intimate relationships well.

15. The fifteenth: My health is getting worse and worse, but I still don’t know how to take care of myself and exercise.

16. The sixteenth: No savings, always living paycheck to paycheck, financially strapped. #BTC