I think the approval of the Ethereum ETF is a positive signal. It is expected that between July 2 and July 5, the launch of this financial product is expected to attract about $3 billion in capital to flow into the market. Before the good news is realized, this will undoubtedly have a certain boost to the market price of Ethereum, pushing its price to fluctuate upward.

However, we also need to note that when this good news is actually implemented, the market may enter the stage of "buy expectations and sell facts". This means that although the launch of the ETF is a positive factor, the market price may have reflected this positive news in advance, so when it is actually launched, the price may fall back.

Overall, the bullish power of the market is increasing, and there is a high probability that the Ethereum market will strengthen in the short term. Recent technical charts also show signs of a second bottoming out, indicating a rise in prices. With the preheating of the Ethereum ETF, related ecological projects such as LDO, SSV and ENS are also worth paying attention to. If there is a suitable callback opportunity, investors can consider deploying these Ethereum ecological related projects for short-term operations.

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