Recently, we spent Valentine's Day in Brazil, that date when people who are together exchange gifts to celebrate love. 

However, even in moments of celebration like this, it is important that we are connected to bitter situations that can happen. In fact, let's be honest: on commemorative dates that evoke emotions, it is precisely this vulnerability that can make us fall into traps. This is not a request that you ignore happy and loving moments, but rather that you keep in mind small mental triggers that can cause problems. In this article, we will bring you reflections that will seek to avoid problems - and prevent happy dates from becoming just not-so-good memories.

Instantaneity and lack of attention

Nowadays, we have a situation that, while being very practical, can also be complicated: things are much more instantaneous. If you were born in the 1980s, remember for a moment what life was like before smartphones and the internet. 

It may not be so cool not being able to meet friends with a few taps on a screen or order a pizza without having to call, but on the other hand this “difficulty” ended up creating memories - good or bad. bad - more directly.

If you are younger, perhaps born in the 1990s or in the current millennium, you will probably agree that we live in an easier and more connected era. However, if I may be indiscreet: do you remember ordering any food via app this week? Or, when it comes to connecting with friends, do you remember your best friend's number off the top of your head? Don't be shy: do you automatically remember your own number without scratching your head?

Science closely studies the question of how current times affect our attention. Yes, the effects are present and proven: we exchange the ease of today for the ability to retain information. And that makes a lot of difference to what comes next.

Emotions and scattered attention: dangerous combo

Regardless of the level of attention we have to what we are doing, some situations affect our emotions in a very direct way. Imagine if, while you are reading these lines, someone very close and special contacts you saying they are in trouble. You will certainly stop reading the text to at least find out what it is about. 

And there's nothing wrong with that.

The problem is that, with the amount of information with which we are bombarded daily by the many applications that have emerged to theoretically improve our lives, when the emotional factor comes into play, it is almost as if a magnifying glass has been placed over such emotions. In some cases, even a microscope. In these situations, potentially erroneous short-term decisions can be made.

What does all this have to do with cryptos?

Maybe you've read this article so far and wondered if you were still on the Binance Blog or whether or not this whole reflection has to do with cryptocurrencies. In reality, it has everything to do with it: digital currencies represent a technological revolution both in terms of payments, investments and even other functions that involve a sense of community.

And since the crypto market never sleeps, this means that decision-making opportunities also expand. You cannot buy or sell any shares when the exchange is not open, but you can trade cryptos at any time of the day, even on weekends and holidays. 

If, on the one hand, this is positive and expands possibilities, on the other, it is a responsibility that demands more attention.

Love relationships and instantaneity: attention!

Let's focus even more on the situation of closeness that you may have with someone: think of someone with whom you have a romantic relationship - or with whom you have the slightest intention of, one day, developing some kind of relationship. The greater the proximity, the greater the chance that you will seek immediate solutions when faced with a possible predicament your loved one is going through.

In a situation like “your loved one just got in touch saying they are in trouble and need resources”, follow the steps below before doing anything:

  1. Try to remain calm, because just like what happens in strong turbulence during a flight, you will only be able to help the person next to you after putting the oxygen mask on yourself first;

  2. Check if that contact is real or if, in some way, there has been some hacking of the social network or messages whose profile just contacted you;

  3. Pay attention to the way messages are being sent: knowing how a person usually writes messages, it is possible to have some minimum understanding of whether those messages are from the person or from someone pretending to be them;

  4. When it comes to a real situation of trouble, find concrete ways to help, don't simply give in to immediate pressure to send resources; If this situation is not real, immediately warn your loved one that someone is impersonating them.

Relationship apps and the ‘conquest’ of trust

Nowadays, many people use dating apps to find their loved one. 

If that's the case, you can't be too careful when it comes to meeting the date! The main thing - the most basic of them - is to choose a public place when having the first meeting.

Furthermore, there are cases reported of users of apps like Tinder, for example, who lost a few hundred thousand dollars in cryptocurrencies because they blindly trusted the person they were dating. 

With the gain in trust created by the relationship, the scammer tells a story of formidable (and unrealistic) gains and ends up leading not only to a broken heart but also to an empty pocket, with irreparable losses.

The antidote of current times

Unfortunately, whether in Pix scams, in requests for help that require the sending of cryptocurrencies or even in frauds that are based on trust, the instantaneity of today when mixed with an emotional factor tends to cause problems and disappointments that could be avoided with a few simple steps. and a little more rationality. 

This is not about blaming those who are unfortunately victims of dishonest people, but about creating awareness about the current situation: in fact we are less attentive, more bombarded with information and more likely to fall for scams - especially if they involve loved ones or even friends. who we have romantic relationships with.

Attention, double checking and a cool head when faced with situations that seem alarming but may not be: this trio of attitudes can combat in an exemplary way the disease of the century, which is inattention and hints of anxiety. With this antidote, the security of your assets (whether cryptos or other financial assets) will be greater.

If you thought that this article isn't just for cryptos, you're right on the money, it applies to many current issues. But, we reinforce: when it comes to a market that never sleeps, your responsibility becomes greater and care needs to be doubled.

Do you know anyone who has ever been in a bitter situation like this? Have you ever been in this situation? Keep this article in mind to avoid disappointments like this later on! 

After all, more bitter than a broken heart is a broken and financially broken heart!

Further reading:

Know the scams: how to identify and protect yourself from relationship scams

Protecting hearts and wallets: how to protect yourself