An anonymous donor from the Bitcoin community has contributed 8 BTC, worth around $500,000, to aid in the travel expenses of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. This financial backing enabled Assange's return trip via a chartered flight, necessitated by his ban from commercial air travel. The Australian government managed the logistics of this costly journey, totaling $520,000, now a debt owed by Assange. Speculation abounds regarding the source of this significant BTC donation, with former kickboxer Andrew Tate hinted as a potential donor. Crypto researcher Iwan Rabbinstein suggested that Jack Dorsey, Twitter's founder and Block, Inc.'s CEO, might be the true benefactor. Dorsey's history of supporting causes aligns with this act of philanthropy. The donation not only raises questions about the donor's identity but also underscores the strong support Assange enjoys within the Bitcoin community, reflecting the broader narrative of BTC as a tool for social and political empowerment. Read more AI-generated news on: