Why Most Traders Lose Money?

It's not the Strategy

Everyone can learn a strategy.Everyone can get proficient with a trading style.Yet, lots of traders keep thinking the reason for their losing performance is their strategy And that's Wrong Because all strategies work!

But here's the catch..

It falls down to Patience

let's Say you have a working strategy. Why do traders lose and blow out then? Because they take too many losses.

Too many losses = too many trades.

Why are traders taking too many trades?Because they are impatient and undisciplined. They can't wait for 3 days for the setup. They can't take a loss and walk away And that's what essentially destroys traders.

Big ego, impatience, lack of discipline and clarity of their "best setups".

Here's a Quick Fix!

Get super clear on your "best setups" that

bring you the most profits.

Get super clear on your "worst setups" that

eat away all of your profits.

Introduce trade limits per day/week.

Then, just simply focus on taking that "1 good trade" that is always provided weekly.

Avoid everything else, as it's just noise.

All you need is 1-2 good trades per week

with minimum risk and good reward.