PANews reported on June 27 that according to The Block, market maker GSR said in its latest report that Solana (SOL) will "continue to stand out from its many competitors" and said it was the first time it held the token for a long time. In the report, GSR highly praised Solana's "excellent technology" and changes in the US political landscape, predicting that after the launch of the Bitcoin spot ETF and before the launch of the Ethereum spot ETF, the Solana spot ETF may become the focus of the market.

In the report, GSR pointed out that Solana's market demand and decentralized features are expected to help it enter the spot ETF market. Although the current legislative and regulatory structure has some restrictions on the launch of digital asset ETFs, the attitudes of the Trump administration and liberal SEC members have brought variables to the market. GSR listed the three major advantages of Solana technology: historical proof mechanism, parallel transaction processing capabilities, and speed and security optimization brought about by high requirements for hardware and bandwidth.

Regarding the market impact of SOL, GSR pointed out that since October last year, as market participants’ expectations for the approval of the US spot ETF have increased, BTC has risen from US$27,000 to approximately US$63,000, an increase of 2.3 times. For Solana, GSR expects it to have significant growth potential in different market environments, highlighting that the active use of SOL in staking and decentralized applications, as well as the non-linear relationship between relative liquidity and scale, may make its market Performance exceeded expectations.