According to TechFlow, the Worldcoin Foundation announced today the first wave of recipients of the Community Grants Program. The 17 selected projects cover a variety of areas, from new governance mechanisms, secure multi-party computing (SMPC) to improved developer experience. The Community Grants Program aims to support builders who are keen on innovation, help Worldcoin build the world's largest human network, and enhance online trust and access to the global economy.

Among the new wave of grantees, the TACEO team will continue to advance the development of SMPC technology to further enhance the privacy protection of WorldID users. Other grantees include Axiom (prototyping applications for general purpose Groth16 validator circuits), Proof of Passport, Farcaster Humaniser, Alphaday, Only Dust, Encode Club, Wormhole, zkSnap, Cometh, Herodotus, World Poll, Agora, Fuzzing Labs, Satori, and BBB & Company.