Odaily Planet Daily reported that according to the latest report from Immunefi, a web3 security service platform, the crypto industry suffered losses of $572.7 million due to hacking and fraud in the second quarter of this year, with 72 incidents so far. These losses increased by 70.3% from the $336.3 million worth of vulnerabilities in the first quarter and increased by 112% from the second quarter of 2023. According to Immunefi, more than $900 million has been stolen through hacking and fraud so far this year, an increase of 24% compared to the same period last year. However, in the second quarter, centralized finance became the main target, accounting for 70% of the losses in the quarter ($401.4 million), while DeFi was 30% ($171.3 million). Most of the losses came from two vulnerabilities, totaling $360 million, or 62.8% of the total. (Theblock)