The initial jobless claims data was just released.

The previous value was 23.8, the forecast value was 23.6, and the published value of 23.3 was lower than the forecast value, which is good for the cryptocurrency circle.

But the PCE data is higher than the previous value, which is bad news.

It turns out that data can also be hedged😂

Affected by the data release, the big cake began to spike upward, reaching 61,600, and then fell back. It is currently fluctuating at 61,200.

The concubine also rose slightly.

In general, the fluctuation is not large, and other cottages also have different fluctuations.

Today's daytime market is just like this, brothers, be careful of the downward spikes at night.

#以太坊ETF批准预期 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #币安合约锦标赛