Blast became popular amidst the criticism? The more you criticize, the higher the traffic. Is the good news for retail investors really coming?

Since the beginning of this year, the airdrops of several major projects such as STRK, ZK and ZRO are "difficult to describe". The insider trading storm and large-scale witch cleansing activities have made retail investors and studios miserable, and the Blast airdrop has become the synonym of the next "big one is coming".

Yesterday, Blast officially opened airdrop applications and announced its token economics. The total supply of BLAST is 100 billion, 50% of which will be airdropped to the community, of which the first phase of airdrops accounts for 17% of the total supply.

Unlike the previous airdrops, when searching for the keyword "blast" on Twitter, most of the content displayed on the homepage is praise

In the first phase of Blast airdrops, Blast points holders can be allocated 7 billion BLAST, gold points holders can be allocated 7 billion BLAST, and Blur Foundation can be allocated 3 billion BLAST. Most importantly, Blast does not check witches for airdrops. After experiencing the baptism of layerzero, blast is undoubtedly generous to the studio.

In addition, according to community feedback, those who are serious or persistent in doing dapp tasks can basically get a few thousand gold points at least, and the cost is less than one Ethereum, which means that even with a small investment, the worst return can be doubled. Therefore, there is no shortage of voices on Twitter that speak well of BLAST, believing that its coin price is underestimated.

However, amid the cheers, blast's big holders were backstabbed.

blast missed the opportunity to issue coins at the best time. The market was good and the time was short in March. If the coin was issued synchronously with the main network, all participants would benefit greatly, and even big holders would willingly accept the lock-up. However, the project was delayed for more than three months, resulting in a decline in market value expectations, and OKX and BN no longer supported it.

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