Let me analyze the current situation with you. BTC should fall or not. Eth should rise or not. It looks like a 10% big positive line at any time. So the market is very tangled. If we look at ETH alone, the disagreement here is actually a good thing. According to the last time BTC's ETF was launched, sell the news is a high probability event. Longs jump out of the car, and shorts open shorts. If everyone is bullish, according to market inertia, it will plummet. So at this point, I really want to open a long order in Ethereum currency. It depends on whether the big cake gives face and whether it can be opened sideways. #以太坊ETF批准预期 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #币安HODLer空投 #CryptoTradingGuide