#Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #以太坊ETF批准预期

If you see too many "tragedies" in stock trading, you will find a rule: failed investment cases are most likely related to leverage; and the more tragic the failure, the more it is related to leverage.

If you don't believe it, you can look for it. It is difficult to find an investor who lost a lot but did not touch leverage at all during the process.

Another interesting phenomenon is that although many failed cases are due to the use of leverage, some parties do not deny the "rationality" of leverage, but choose to reflect on their own "use skills" of leverage. The implication is that leverage itself is still good (neutral), but they just didn't use it well. If this is the meaning, then I'm afraid I will use leverage again next time.

In my opinion, as long as an investor does not use leverage, the troubles he encounters will be reduced by at least 50%, and the more tragic the failure case, the more so.

The original intention of investors to use leverage is to "magnify returns", but in many failed cases, leverage itself is the biggest trouble maker.

Of course, without leverage, investors will experience much less excitement and excitement.

Munger said, if I knew where I would die, I would not go there.