Odaily Planet Daily reported that the TON Foundation announced the winners of the fourth quarter of The Open League, including: App Battle Group: Catizen and Yescoin are in the lead, and the other winners include MomoAI, Vertus, SquidTG, TON Punks, and Gleam, with a total group prize of US$500,000; Token League Group: REGI is in the lead, and the other winners include NOT, HYDRA, STON, COFE, RECA, and MITTENS, with a total group prize of US$500,000; NFTLeague Group: The top three are TON Frogs, Market Makers, and TON Diamonds, with a total group prize of US$50,000; DeFi League Group: DeDust is at the top of the list, and the other winners include EVAA, Storm Trade, Ston.fi, DAOLama, and Tradoor, with a total group prize of US$150,000.