#RWA! Narrative , one of the finest narrative of the market who is ready to provide the best recipe of this market currently!!! Backed by #BlackRock⁩ and supported by #whalesclub

They can pump 5-20x depends on mc , team & utilities . You can add on dip / (down) these coins which i find very potential 🫴

Name --- Market cap

#ONDO --- 1.7 Billion -- 1.24$

$DUSK --- 130 Million -- 0.31$

$CPOOL --- 90 million -- 0.14$

$TRU --- 160 million -- 0.14$

$OM --- 601 million -- 0.73$

#ROSE.. --- 609 million -- 0.90$

$RSR --- 295 million -- 0.58$