There was a young man born in 1994 who, after graduating from college, followed other real estate speculators and bought eight houses one after another by using his left hand to make a profit. Then he finally couldn't hold on this year and his position was liquidated.

This young man was also very miserable.

He graduated from college in 2016 and bought his first wedding house in 2018. Because he wanted to buy a wedding house, he looked for real estate information everywhere, and then joined a real estate speculation group that hoarded houses for a big rise.

According to the teachings of this real estate speculation group, he took out all the money in his family, and also instigated his wife to take out all the savings from his wife's side.

Then he bought 7 houses one after another, including his wedding house, a total of 8 houses.

Because the housing prices in his second-tier provincial capital city were at their highest point in 2018, even in 2021, the housing prices in his provincial capital city did not rise, but fell. He just followed that, and when the housing prices fell, he quickly bought another house to cover his position and lower the cost of building a position.

As a result, he bought 8 houses.

Now he can't pay the mortgage anymore, and his position is liquidated. #以太坊ETF批准预期 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #币安合约锦标赛 #币安HODLer空投 #MegadropLista $USDC $SOL $BNB