I once made a transaction and caught a one-sided market. I saw the profit keep going up, but I was in a dilemma: should I exit with profit or continue to hold? The former can directly convert the profit into my own wealth, but may lose the possibility of continuing to make profit; the latter may continue to expand the profit, but may also lose it.

Just when I was struggling, the market took a sharp turn for the worse, my profits were greatly reduced, and I finally closed my position in a hurry. Even though I was still profitable, I still lost 40% of the profits that originally belonged to me.

Later, when I reviewed this transaction, I found several problems, which may also apply to your daily transactions, so I will share them with you:

Only have the mentality to deal with losses, not the mentality to deal with profits

I found that I was very good at dealing with losses, and even summed up several ways to deal with losses, such as strict stop loss, not sticking to sunk costs, etc., so I am relatively experienced in dealing with losses; but when it comes to profits, I am a little confused, and I have no idea how to deal with it, because after making a profit, I always want to stop while I'm ahead and put the money in my pocket, but I'm afraid that I will stop profit too early and miss out on a large amount of profit later. So, in the repeated struggle, I missed the original profit.

It's funny to say that when dealing with a loss-making situation, everything was arranged in an orderly manner, but when it came to a profitable situation, I was at a loss. It's really a bit embarrassing to say it.

Fear of uncertainty

I mentioned earlier that I am afraid of missing out on a large amount of profits in the future. In fact, what I mean is that I am afraid of this uncertainty. Just like Schrödinger's cat, you don't know whether you are alive or dead before you open the box. Because of the uncertainty, you will feel fear, so you must find a way to make yourself feel at ease, so you will think about taking profits and exiting the market directly; but at the same time, you will be entangled in what to do if you miss the subsequent market conditions. This back and forth will delay things because I am afraid of uncertainty.

Lack of overall perspective

Continuing with the above point, why are you afraid of missing out on the market? In fact, this may be related to your usual operations. We all know that day traders basically only focus on short-term market conditions, such as the impact of a certain sudden event on a product, so what day traders do is to seize the best moment brought by this event to operate, but it is difficult to realize whether there will be new changes in the future, so it is possible to miss a large section of profits.

Now that we know the problem, we can make adjustments accordingly:

Train your mindset

There is a saying that losses in the market are the norm and profits are rare, but no matter what, we must have a good mentality, especially when facing profits, don't be carried away, set the corresponding stop-profit position. After all, when setting the stop-profit, it must not be set casually, but according to the current market and your own understanding. So we must strengthen this,

Decisive action

Now that you have trained your mentality, you can face uncertainty bravely. If you feel, after painstaking analysis, that this market trend will not end so soon, then decisively hold on to your profits and strive to obtain profits from the larger market trend that follows. If you feel that the market has reached its peak, then you should immediately take profits and exit the market, and don't let yourself get too entangled.

Pay more attention to market news

Why do we lack a big picture view? It may be due to the operational mindset, because we have been focusing on short-term news and not paying attention to long-term news. Therefore, we must get out of our own predicament and pay more attention to market news. Sometimes the influence of fundamental news can exceed our imagination, so we must pay more attention to market news.


In fact, making a profit is a happy thing, but how to expand profits and bring us more happiness is what we should pursue, so we should master some methods to hold on to profits and further expand the results, which is what an investor should do. #币安合约锦标赛 $BTC