Those who don't plan for the overall situation are not qualified to plan for a specific area. The market is unpredictable! Be calm, observe the situation, plan carefully before taking action, don't be confused in your heart, don't be trapped in your emotions! Only by planning in the tent can you win thousands of miles away. There are three thousand rivers, but you only need to take a scoop and take what you need.

Hangzhou Review

Yesterday, we also analyzed the short position of 62000 near the big cake, and the target of 61000 was successfully reached

Today's analysis

In the 4h of the big cake, the indicator crosses and fluctuates downward; in terms of form, it gradually falls below the support position of the lower track. In terms of form, the continuous Yin and broken Yin continue to move downward; the first pressure level is 61300 and the second pressure level is 62800; the support level is 59800; it is still continuing the downward channel, so today's white market can be done in the downward track of 59800-62800; 1h oscillates downward, and is currently in a weak low sideways consolidation.

There are infinite possibilities in a person's self-discipline. The degree of your self-discipline determines the height of your life.

There is no shortcut in life, but every step you take counts.

Big pie short near 61800 target 60800 defense 500 points

Second pie short near 3420 target 3320 defense 40 points#币安HODLer空投 #CryptoTradingGuide #MegadropLista #以太坊ETF批准预期 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 $BTC $ETH $BNB