2024.6.27 Today's market analysis:

Yesterday's trend was consistent with yesterday's analysis. It fell back near 62500 and short orders were involved. Ether rebounded near 3330 and long orders were involved. According to the daily analysis yesterday, both long and short orders were available.

In 1 hour, the demand for Bitcoin is currently testing the bottom, and the support near 59840, which is 0.618, is tested again. If it holds up, you can consider opening long orders and look up at the 1-hour trend line. The upper 63400-64500 range is a chip-intensive area. If you come here for the first time, you can consider short orders.

Ether observes two positions, the upper 3450-3480 range pressure and the lower 3280-3310 range support. If there is a structure in that range, you can enter the market.

The overall market will rest after a large fluctuation. Market sentiment needs to rest and indicators need to be repaired. This week is a week of volatility, and there will be some good opportunities next week.

#以太坊ETF批准预期 #美国PCE数据将公布 $BTC $ETH