Banks are starting to refuse to accept houses that have defaulted on their mortgages

I can't believe that in 2024, banks are starting to refuse to accept houses that have defaulted on their mortgages. Do you dare to believe it?

You have to know that two or three years ago, if you defaulted on your mortgage for more than one month, the bank would constantly collect the debt. If you defaulted on your mortgage for more than three months, the bank would not call you anymore and would directly issue documents. If you defaulted on your mortgage for more than half a year, the court would sue you and directly auction your mortgage.

What is the situation now? The bank calls you and asks you to negotiate first. If the negotiation fails, you can't pay back the monthly mortgage of 10,000 yuan or 5,000 yuan, right? The bank tells you to pay back the interest first. How much is the interest? 2,000 or 5,000. Right?

You can just pay back the principal in one or two years. If that doesn't work, you can pay back the principal you owe in the next 20 years. My god, the world is really changing now. What do you think?

Or is it that the bank is also afraid that you will become a deadbeat in the end? Hahahaha…

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