Solana is not a chain, but an exchange

Sol chain should not be simply regarded as a chain. Solana is actually an exchange, a decentralized user-friendly exchange (decentralized big casino), and its operating model is the operating model of the exchange.

Sol chain is completely different from eth chain. The positioning of ether chain is a blockchain technology platform. The foundation is committed to technology and solving various distributed technologies, such as expansion, sharding, and privacy computing.

Sol chain does not pursue technology, but only builds a global decentralized big casino. The funds behind it create wealth effects, grab customers, and grab people.

After understanding this, Solana will be distinguished from other chains and projects. Solana's vitality is stronger than chains and exchanges. The operating model of Solana chain determines that its profitability is currently the strongest among all chains. At the same time, Solana chain will not appear like the boss of the exchange was arrested. Users can also access it without permission worldwide, and user wallets are decentralized.

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